Sunday, March 8, 2009

International Women's Day

March 8th is International Women's Day:

I have posted a drawing of our beloved Matilda.

She was a a wonderful lady that shared our joys and sorrows for nearly 17 years.  She was smart and beautiful (a natural blonde) and personality filled with laughter.  We shared many adventures together.  Each one a treasure to be shared with others so her memory never fades.  We love you Matilda.

Below are some brief facts about

International Women's Day.

"International Women's Day is sponsored worldwide by the United Nations. 

The roots of this celebration goes back to the late 1800's to early 1900s. 

It grew from women's socialist movements and early women's trade union groups.

The first International Women's Day was held March 19, 1911. 

Women socialists and trade unions held an earlier Women's Day on the last Sunday in February, 1908. 

The event grew from there and has been celebrated annually since. 

The focus is upon women workers, and advancing women's rights in  the workforce, politics and society."

More information about the day can be found here:

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