Friday, April 3, 2009


Chirp, chirp, buzz, buzz, chirp......

Yesterday, in the garden we found a shivering fledging
ruby throated hummingbird.   He was about an inch tall.
Tiny feet, a long beak and the most beautiful red glistening
feathers around his throat. 

I brought him inside and made a cave like tent out of a dish towel.   
I put the dish towel in a heating pad on my lap.   
He could see me and I could see him.
I kept the heating pad on my lap so I could regulate the temperature.
He stood hunkered down with his eyes closed.   He was so frail and 
beautiful.  I prayed he would be okay.   

After a couple of hours and lowering the temperature of the heating pad his feathers dried out.
I had some nectar and offered it to him. 

I took him outside twice cupped
in the dish towel.   But the little tike was going no where.   Finally,
I fixed up a cage for him.   

But once inside he thrashed against the 
wire walls.   I felt his little chest and it seemed plump and
his wings looked fine.  His poop was also good looking.

So I took him outside one more time.  It was forty
minutes before sunset.    I knew he needed to leave
before dusk.   He would be lost in the darkness of night.

I sat with him for a few minutes.  I told him about the great life he was going to have.
The adventures ahead, the garden characters he would meet and the
family he would have.   He took a long long look at me with his 
big black eyes.   My eyes filled with tears.   I held my hands up above my head.
He lifted his tiny wings and whizzed off above the roof towards the front garden.   
He swooped down once to look back but then he disappeared over the house top.

Today we set up two hummingbird feeders.  One next to my desk.  
Perhaps, he will come and visit me.  I would like that.  But if he 
doesn't I will understand.   I enjoyed the pleasure of his company if
only briefly. 
One of my favorite books is 
a "Hummingbird In My Hand."   It's a great read!

Take a moment to share yourself with another.

Shortly after our little visitor left, a new guest arrived.

More tomorrow.

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